“I aim to not buy already accomplished artists, I’m not looking for “remarkable names”, on the contrary I collect the artwork, clear compared to the moment wherein it is made, it has to tell the present and disclose the future.”
- Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

The collector
Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo is, with no doubts, one of the most influential Italian women in the contemporary art world, with a innate passion for collecting. She is married with Agostino Re Rebaudengo and she has 2 sons. One of her son, Eugenio Re Rebaudengo, 26 years old, is the founder of Artuner, an art web platform born in London. After graduating in Economics at the Torino University, she started to collect contemporary art in 1990. She gave life, in 1995, to Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, of which she is chairperson. Since 2002, the Fondazione has been situated in a exhibition, study and experimentation space in Torino. Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo is member of International Council and Friends of Contemporary Drawing of MoMA in New York, nternational Council of Tate Gallery in Londra, Leadership Council of New Museum in New York, Advisory Committee for Modern and Contemporary Art of Philadelphia Museum of Art and of Cultural Council of Magazine Cartier Art, honorary partner of Monaco Project for the Art, member of Commissione Cultura of Confindustria Nazionale and much more. She won, furthermore, a lot of awards in her career.

The collection
Patrizia Sandretto asserts in a lot of interview that her collection is born in a journey in London in 1992, when she met several artists and visited many galleries. Initially, she organised her collection in 5 lodes: english art, Los Angeles art, italian art, feminine art and photography. Since several years, on the contrary, her collection has been freer, without structures and specific traits. She looks for just one feature for the artworks for her collection: the works of art have to talk about the time we are living. The collection is born as private but it’s strictly bounded to the foundation that often exhibit part of the artworks property of Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. The foundation organises several exhibitions and events that allow to live and understand contemporary art to the general public. Among the artists of her collection, we can find: Vanessa Beecroft, Ian Breakwell, Glenn Brown, Angela Bulloch, Janet Cardiff, James Casebere, Maurizio Cattelan, Dinos & Jake Chapman, Flavio Favelli, Urs Fischer, Fischli & Weiss, Saul Fletcher, Katharina Fritsch, Giuseppe Gabellone, Stefania Galegati, Anna Gaskell, Isa Genzken, Gaylen Gerber, Liam Gillick, Nan Goldin, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Michal Helfman, Lothar Hempel, Gary Hill, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Thomas Hirschhorn, Damien Hirst, Anish Kapoor, Kcho, Mike Kelley, William Kentridge, Ian Kiaer, Karen Kilimnik, Suchan Kinoshita, Udomsak Krisanamis, Barbara Kruger, Margherita Manzelli, Steve McQueen, Paul McCarthy, Annette Messager, Tracey Moffat, Muntean & Rosenblum, Senga Nengudi, Shirin Neshat, Kelly Nipper, Cady Noland, Catherine Opie, Julian Opie, Gabriel Orozco, Damian Ortega, Tony Oursler, Philippe Parreno, Yutaka Sone, Hannah Starkey, Paul Thek, Wolfang Tillmans, Grazia Toderi, Rosemarie Trockel, Patrick Tuttofuoco, Piotr Uklanski, Hellen Van Meene, Jeff Wall, Gillian Wearing, Pae White, Cerith Wyn Evans, Andrea Zittel.
The foundation is open to public.

For further information: www.fsrr.org
View the original article here.
Contributor, Silvia Dalmiglio
Italian Collectors
Italian born, Silvia Dalmiglio is a world traveller and contemporary art enthusiast. She is underway in completing her degree in Preservation of Cultural Heritage at Academia di Brera in Milan, and soon starting her postgraduate degree there in Creative Communication for Cultural Heritage. Dalmiglio launched her blog Italian Collectors in March this year, reporting about Italian contemporary art collectors.