Out Now: How To Not Fuck Up Your Art-World Happiness Vol. 2

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— 60 more tips and tricks on how to stay relaxed and mentally sane in the art industry

 Art consultant and co-founder of LARRY’S LIST, Christoph Noe, returns with a follow-up to his best-selling book “How To Not Fuck Up Your Art-World Happiness,” “How To Not Fuck Up Your Art-World Happiness Vol. 2,”  presenting a new collection of 60 tips and tricks to help maintain happiness in the art world.

This latest advice promises to be just as engaging, humorous and helpful as before, reminding readers of the charm working in the art industry while also warning against some of the pitfalls.

Tips include: Sell artworks on a dating APP, detox digitally and embrace elderly people….

Over 5,000 copies sold of first book How not to fuck up_2

How To Not Fuck Up Your Art-World Happiness Vol. 2
Christoph Noe
Softcover, 112 pages
EUR 18 USD 20
Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Vienna

Get your copy on amazon.com or on VfmK.