Instagram has conquered the art market. Art dealers sell million dollar works through Instagram, artists boost their careers and present their newest pieces and of course collectors share insights from their art-filled apartments and post selfies with celebrities.
Larry’s List already published the widely shared “Top 50 Art Collector Instagrams (Part I & Part II)”. Today, Larry’s List is cracking the art collecting scene on Instagram again and gives you a fresh and insightful new list of collector Instagrams to follow in 2017. Combined these collectors already have nearly half a million followers and this number will definitely increase today. But watch out: You can only hope for some collectors of this list to accept your request…
1 – Nicolas Berggruen, United States
Who: Entrepreneur, son of renowned collector Heinz Berggruen, formerly called the “homeless billionaire” for his lifestyle of living in hotels around the world
What to expect: cityscapes or natural scenery around the world, modern and contemporary paintings, sculptures and photography
Popular hashtags: #artlovers, #artoftheday, #IdeasMatter
Tag name: @nicolasberggruen
2 – Wanwan Lei, China
Who: Co-founder of the first private art museum in Beijing’s 798 Art District, the M Woods Museum
What to expect: pictures of her in high fashion or with artworks; photos with her husband, Lin Han, and their cat, Xiaojiu; snaps during trips
Popular hashtags: #dior, #miumiu, #mwoods
Tag name: @wanwan_lei
3 – Dasha Zhukova, Russia

Who: Founder of Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, the first philanthropic institution in Russia with a public mandate for contemporary art, Wife of Roman Abramovich
What to expect: you can call yourself happy when Dasha accepts your request. We are not allowed to tell…
Popular hashtags:
Tag name: @d_zhukova
5 – Amy Phelan, United States
Who: Former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, Marylin Minter’s muse and collector of Andreas Gursky, Ed Ruscha, Cindy Sherman and Richard Prince
What to expect: selfies with her hedge-fund-manager husband or friends at various events and travels, new artworks installed at home or office
Popular hashtags: #amyphelan, #aspen
Tag name: @amyphelan123
Interview of Larry’s List: Marilyn Minter’s Muse: People Flourish Where Art Flourishes
6 – Qiao Zhibing, China
Who: Entrepreneur and night club owner based in Shanghai. Recently founded the private exhibition space “Qiao Space”
What to expect: pictures from visiting artists’ studios, such as Ryan Gander, Oscar Murillo; various exhibitions from China to Europe; photos with Marina Abramović
Popular hashtags: (it seems he seldom uses hashtag)
Tag name: @qiaozhibing
Interview on Larry’s List: Shanghai Night Club Owner Commissions Works by 12 Artists for New Space
7 – Barry Thomas Malin, United States
Who: Physician specializing in major reconstructive surgery for patients with head and neck cancer, founder of Burning in Water art gallery and project space
What to expect: artworks from different exhibitions
Popular hashtags: #nyc, #gallery
Tag name: @burning_in_water_art
8 – Scott Friedman, United States

Who: Art collector and jeweler based in New York
What to expect: artworks in galleries or auction exhibitions, pictures of his little cute new-born
Popular hashtags: #art, #collect, #paintings
Tag name: @sfriedz
9 – Sibylle Rochat, United Kingdom
Who: Investor and Director of Private Sales at Paddle8, London
What to expect: Artworks from different art fairs and exhibitions, delightful pictures of her in front of artworks
Popular hashtags: #art, #artdiary, #london
Tag name: @sibylle.rochat
10 – Shohidul Ahad-Choudhury, United Arab Emirates

Who: CEO North Star Holdings, CEO and Founder Thorium Tech Investments, and CEO and Founder of ArteVue App
What to expect: latest fun pictures and artworks from Art Dubai 2017
Popular hashtags: #mydubai, #contemporaryart, #artdubai
Tag name: @shoski007
Interview on Larry’s List: From Passion to Obsession in Dubai and Beyond
11 – Wendi Deng Murdoch, United States

Who: Businesswoman, actress and movie producer, former wife of Rupert Murdoch
What to expect: pictures of various events and exhibitions, selfies with other art world celebrities
Popular hashtags: #caiguoqiang
Tag name: @wendimurdoch
12 – Yvonne Force Villareal, United States
Who: Co-founder of Art Production Fund, which commissioned public works by artists such as Ugo Rondinone, Hanna Liden or Yoko Ono
What to expect: Pictures of artworks and recent fashion acquisitions
Popular hashtags: #mustsee, #greatart
Tag name: @yvonneforce
13 – Chong Zhou, China
Who: Art History graduate from UCLA, restaurant owner, second-generation collector
What to expect: images of artworks and pictures with artist, gallerists and curators at the lastest art fairs, photos with Takashi Murakami and Anselm Kiefer
Popular hashtags: #art, #artist, #shanghai
Tag name: @chong_zhoush
14 – Michal Borowik, Poland
Who: The Borowik Collection was ranked as one of the “fifty most interesting collections assembled by people under fifty” in American magazine Modern Painters
What to expect: sexy photos of him traveling, at home, in front of artworks or chilling under the sun; images of artworks by young Polish artists
Popular hashtags: #borowikcollection, #art, #polish
Tag name: @michalborowik
Interview on Larry’s List: The Sexy Idealist: The Collection Is Me, I Am the Collection
15 – Lio Malca, United States

Who: Hotel owner and founder of the first private exhibition space “La Nave Salinas” on Ibiza
What to expect: photos of La Nave Salinas and luxury hotel Casa Malca in Tulum, Mexico; artworks by KAWS, Haring and Basquiat
Popular hashtags: #ibiza, #LaNaveSalinas, #basquiat, #kaws
Tag name: @liomalca
Interview on Larry’s List: Owner of Luxury Art Hotel on How Art Is Moving Into Ibiza
16 – Ella Cisneros, United States
Who: “Queen of Miami’s Art Scene”, Founder of Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, owns over 3000 artworks
What to expect: photos at different museum events, pictures with her beautiful daughters and friends, Latin American art
Popular hashtags: she hardly uses hashtags
Tag name: @ellafontanals
Interview on Larry’s List: United Nations’ Women Together Award for the Visionary Patroness
17 – Luca Timpani, Italy
Who: Lawyer specializing in copyright and protection of intellectual property in Rome, collector of emerging artists
What to expect: pictures of himself showing his model-like physique, including topless ones, photos of him with artworks
Popular hashtags: #contemporaryart, #artcollector, #artsy
Tag name: @concettotimpani
Interview on Larry’s List: #ConcettoTimpani: Establishing a Collection as Superb as His Physique
18 – Claus Busch Risvig, Denmark
Who: Curator, community Manager at ARTLAND App and Copenhagen-based collector of abstract art
What to expect: conceptual and minimalist art by emerging artists
Popular hashtags: #contemporaryart, #art, #kunst, #buschresvigcollection
Tag name: @buschrisvig
Interview on Larry’s List: Collector and Curator Claus Busch Risvig on His Excitement about the Scandinavian Art Scene
19 – Lin Han, China
Who: Co-founder of the first private art museum in Beijing’s 798 Art District, the M Woods Museum
What to expect: artworks from the M Woods Collection; photos of his pretty wife and co-founder of M Woods, Wanwan Lei, and their cat, Xiaojiu
Popular hashtags: #mwoods, #mwoodscollection, #xiaojiu
Tag name: @linhan_lhbb
20 – Antoine de Werd, The Netherlands
Who: Lawyer specialising in divorce law, a passionate collector of both tribal art and contemporary art.
What to expect: inspiring contemporary artworks in various exhibitions and art fairs in the Netherlands and Europe, unique home and office display of tribal and contemporary artworks next to each other
Popular hashtags: #art, #london, #amsterdam
Tag name: @antoinedewerd
Interview of Larry’s List: A Dutch Lawyer’s Hunt: When Dogon Masks Meet Abstract Paintings
21 – Niels Kantor, United States
Who: Owner of Kantor Gallery, and collector of contemporary art, based in Los Angeles
What to expect: a plethora of artworks to feed your art cravings, from Barnett Newman, to David Hockney, from Keith Haring to Urs Fischer
Popular hashtags: #art, #painter, #canvas
Tag name: @nielskantor, @kantorcollection
22 – Yohana Irawan, Indonesia
Who: Co-Founder and Director of Stark Retail Indonesia, collector of Indonesian art
What to expect: Latest snapshots from Art Basel Hong Kong 2017, fashionable shows, images of her and her friends visiting exhibitions or traveling
Popular hashtags: #ArtBasel2017, #MuseumMacan, #FashionableShoes
Tag name: @yosieirawan
23 – Jacky Aizenman, Puerto Rico
Who: CEO of ASG Investment corporation, a commercial and residential real estate investment company in Puerto Rico
What to expect: A wide range of contemporary artworks from his collection, from Jonas Wood to Oscar Murillo
Popular hashtags: –
Tag name: @aizenmanj
24 – Alberto Chechebar, United States

Who: Works in the textile distribution business, has been collecting art over 25 years
What to expect: A wealth of modern and contemporary art, from Andy Warhol and Basquiat to Damien Hirst and Alex Katz
Popular hashtags: #andywarhol, #luciensmith, #georgecondo
Tag name: @albertochehebar
25 – Torsten Butzen, Germany
Who: Young German collector focusing on emerging artists such as Matthew Stone or Peppi Bottrop
What to expect: artworks by emerging artists in local exhibitions and galleries, abstract paintings
Popular hashtags: #kunst, #contemporaryart, #duesseldorf
Tag name: @torsten_butzen
Interview on Larry’s List: Why I Love Installing Artworks Myself After Every Purchase…
By Ricko Leung